
This repository is a collection of assets I’ve created on MLH : LHD-Share. I was a guild member of EddieHub Community.

What is LHD: Share?

Local Hack Day: Share is a week-long celebration of sharing everything you’ve learned as a hacker. If you’ve been hacking with us all year, we’re excited to have you back. If this is your very first event, we’ve got a ton of beginner-friendly challenges for you to complete that’ll have you shipping your hack like a pro in no time. You’ll have your pick of technical, design, and social challenges to complete - each with an emphasis on sharing your work. The more challenges you conquer, the more points you’ll earn. Tune in each day to check out the leaderboards and share what you’ve built.


LHD-Share Assets

These are the assets I’ve created on LHD Share. I was a guild member of EddieHub community.

My Activities

Share your Coffee with Guild

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Bob Ross

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Brand Concept - EddieHub

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Travel Brochure

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My Assets

Prathima Kadari